Time Passing

I think that time passing

is relative to each being

for one it is fast

another slow

and  at different times different.

I think a belief

that is all encompassing

is not correct

but may have partial truth within it.

It may even be true

a lot of the time

but I do not believe

in a general rule.

Those are the ideas

so called experts pass off

this is true

and I am the authority they say.

One must find ones own way

and be ready

to leave a leader

when you think they are false or wrong

or uttering half truths.

Even though  some of what they say is true.

Eventually you need to find your own voice

and the greatest writers poets and artists

to me

tell you this.

Eat your own meals

experience your own life

find your own authenticity.

Listen for one

who points the way to you.

I feel the same way

about an change.

I believe in individual change

and I am somewhat skeptical

of mass change

it feels most of the time

like a trend

and then a few years later

something else takes its place.

Embrace the new

but keep asking questions,

Search for truth

and not generalities.




Stephen John Kalinch

All Rights Reserved
