Letter to a friend

I stand at the threshold
of a new dawn
trapped between
heaven and earth
sky and sea
I touch this daily stress
with all its rude awakenings
and challenges
with my safari hat
I slide
in and out of virtue
and i dance
all beauty in my soul
tenderness caresses me
in my loneliness
I yearn
for undying
moments that
that I can not bring back
the past alive as present
right here passion
inspires each calm surrender
each change of direction
on an uncharted course.
In sacred syllables
the words sing
break limitations
enhance this earthly journey
that I love
i touch and i take
i give
and gain so much
from each breath
morning only comes
once a day
victory is a single day
lived well
magic in the every day encounters
shared spoken
This is what I leave for you today.

Stephen John Kalinich
All Rights Reserved
