Journal entry part 2
We are brutal violent animals
with a thin veneer
of civilization that sits on top
of this vast disorganized interior
that by a certain provocation
instinctively becomes a predator
in its biological urge
toward its own survival.
In this state
there is no recognition
of other or others-
It is through recognition of others
that a new man or woman
can be born within
the old biological reactive man.
This is the emergence
of progress
toward becoming
a glorious being.
To me the closest teachings
to embody this
or demonstrate this
is not a Church or a religion
but in living
the words of the Jesus
the Christ and other teachers of love.
These love teachings
grasped and lived
have the potential
to reform the lowest of beings
and restore the vitality
and freshness
of a new alive creature
A being of light
aware of others
and not just intent
on its own survival.
Can a new being
a new man
a new woman exist within us
as individuals
or within a group structure
a community?
This is a big question.
I do not as yet
have the correct indication
or answer.
Can I an aging
diabetic diseased person
be healed
or is it only downward and darkness?
Stephen John Kalinich
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