I love you too
I love you too.
I too am going through
rough waters
which forces me
to live the poems
and not just
write them
which is a great challenge.
When it is dark
when life feels oppressive
when there seems
no way out
in the midst of tragedy
i surrender to Grace
to Divine love.
I find my peace
in the stillness.
It does not always work out
the way I want it to
but it gives me more peace
as i travel on this journey.
I have heard it said
the sign of mental health
is how we tolerate frustration
deal with our set backs
our disappointments.
So rather than say
to someone
it will all be OK
I say i turn it over to grace
to work it out
in its own way.
Which is difficult for some
but in my own life
until I surrender
to the grace
to God so to speak
nothing ever works out
or is right,
I only know
I love you
and i pray for you
and as a human
that is all I know.
However i believe
there is a peace
that comes to us
a way to navigate
the difficult waters
and I celebrate
the gifts of every day
Stephen John Kalinich
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as will I