A soul made flesh
Can know sorrow and triumph
we pass through time
water poring out of a glass
Inspiration rears its head
always at our lowest point
if we will receive it
lights up the dark parts of the soul
leads one to new solutions
yield slowly
as your heart tells you to
each second passing
never judge yourself
only change course
when you are inwardly guided
only use your resources
for the benefit
of all beings
calmly face what irritates you
what you react to
that really disturbs you
throws you off center
how does your reaction
try to over take you
only you can initiate
the transformation
verses resonate within you
of an unsung chorus
a time that has not yet been
where peace and harmony reign
remain silent
only work with those
who inspire you
and are kind
you need
no more criticism correction
let them clean up
there own mess first
people who do not bring out
your highest qualities
are not worthy of your time
do not be a people fixer
a care taker
be kind to yourself
be happy within
and then move forward
only when you are moved
all saints will fall
all Thoughts will cease
and all will be known
these earthly
will seem so trivial
when we feel
the glory
that is ours
yours is a fragile world
so much deceit
so much jealousy
Now is the day
of listening
for you are ignorant know nothing
today i wept for the world
but you dried my tears
and shared your living truths
that speak a silent language
hold on they say
your use
will become manifest
your reason for living
ghosts will no longer haunt you.
. I am
is all that remains.
societies since the beginning of time perish
one after another
what brings them down?
the earth groans
people become hateful
grace is
foreign to these souls
align yourself
with the angels
of this world
few and far between
not sought by mortals
l reduce my ambition
to touch hearts
at your bottom
help will come
the Holy spirit
penetrates your dull sense
of the good
have arrived at the gate
light will break
into the dark chamber
of your soul
a light like
you have never witnessed
like the shimmer of translucent
colours on the canals of
on a warm Italian
evening in 1986
going for a gelato
it strikes you cold
you shiver
as you experience
in your flesh
the resurrection
what Jesus felt like
when he was crucified
the nail is driven into you
you cry but the pain
turns into rejoicing
miracles occur
you emerge a new creature
in which
old things have passed away
mind can reveal nothing
earth has no hope
except in transformation
earth can reveal
all that you knew before
is unimportant
dangles for an instant
and is consumed
A new
kindness is shown to you
you have become
part of the sacrament
the blood and the body
you are renewed
You stand on mountains
you are truly alive
for the first time
a wonder fills you
that you have never known
personal sense vanishes
and spirit lives in you as you
you become the all
the river of Love
becomes your blood
and you triumph
over your adversity.
I take myself seriously
life is a serious Art
greed attacks the nervous system
and makes us lowly creatures
greed will leave us
wanting more
for some hunger
that can never be filled
thirsting for cool waters
of living streams
without radical rearranging
of perspective and motive
I feel the brush of skin
the rush of greatness
in my own breath
for that is where love resides
under all the problems
and anxieties
the one
that was there
before the stars
one that i could
collapse into
who heals all my diseases
rectifies my aberrations
restores my upright dignity
embraces me
and all who wait
who wait where
no one waits
in the corridors of space
in the frozen caves
of glaciers
long forgotten
it is the ever present
in the present
yet dormant in all things
the all knowing
throbbing aliveness
since before the world
was formed
benevolent being
that is our natural inclination
each treacherous ordeal we face
can be overcome
no illness
can withstand
the the Love
that melts indifference
wisdom is there
in each cell
yield slowly
even in uncertainty
face the rigid belied
the resistance
that blocks your forward thrust
Let lack
end there.
In Cornwall
friends dance
hold hands
around the fire
I have tasted the bitter
and the sweet
I have never seen the total glory
but I have felt its dance
experienced its surging in my members
tasted its urging in my bones
and deepest flesh
the foretaste
of its elation
to the oppressed
to the unfortunate
for sanity
to go to underworld
and wrestle
with the spirits of the possessed
and wicked
to witness
the victory in ones own self
is a mighty
soothing salve
a lotion for the soul
a tonic for the meek
strength for the weak
and crumbled
I we an us
bursting out of
a me
things turning
into grand ideas
I half walk
up the hill
look back
and see
how far we have come
always grandeur in front of me
new places to go
in consciousness
where what is
is good for all
to share
do this one thing it says
Be the bliss you seek
be the giving
give to life
do not beg
do not request or ask
for we stand among the miracles
Maybe today we will see the evidence
of grace
and we will stop
what can not be
you have the unique
first hand account
within your self
of creation
limitations fall away
blessings will flow
I walk in illness
bare all burdens
through the love
that lets me be
that gives me sustenance
and breath
that shows me how
get there.
To the somewhere
over the rainbow
Tolerate only
what holds your thought in line
with your highest purpose
ask for nothing
expect nothing
life knows what you need
if you surrender
to the universal rhythm
against no man
for all souls everywhere
i proclaim
for everyone
for everything
I have received
I am grateful.
Listen to
one who says little but
loves silently
in action,
Judge no one
yesterday demands
today be better
Stephen John Kalinich
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