


I tumbled out of the sky
and still
i was inside of you
i exploded
in the galaxies

and you were there
always larger
than my problem
you wrote the melody
within my being
you grafted yourself
to every vein
you transformed
every joint and cell

you soothed the soreness
of my aching soul
Miraculous self
that i can never run

away from
majestic Trumpeter
of the heavens

your horn
played in me
before conception
there is
no time
that you are not
when I sleep
you comfort me
when i wake up
you are my eyes
and breath
and weave me
of your self
with an invisible thread

of a celestial
pragmatic fabric
you are every note

Every combination
of colours
you are the before
and the after

I feel you in my fingers
in my toes
you put
your indelible stamp
in every sunset

you flow through
every river
you are my undisclosed
possible spirit
you are beyond
all my Tribulations
you are the peace
of the world
you can not be eradicated
when they think
you dissolve
when you vanish before

the eyes of the universe
you merely

change forms

you cannot be reduced

or diminished

you issue

out of love

you remain in love
you are ever lasting
active living peace.

© .2010
Stephen John Kalinich
All Rights Reserved

