Journal entry
From my journal
Every outward journey
is a journey towards the self
a line from one of my poems.
When the dust settles
life is glorious
most of the time
and we complicate it
by too much wanting our own way
and not following the grace.
Wisdom comes in small doses
nothing is forgotten
each memory is forever
each dance
a testament
that we still are life
with all its challenges and pitfalls..
Only the striving must cease
and we must become quiet
for the true self to emerge
through the chaos and perplexity.
Under the rock
there is a diamond
we have to polish it
and the diamond is us
each unique
when we find our own voice
it reveals itself to us
forward happens
we can not stop it…
dominion is our birthright
all is only as real
as we make it
the thoughts we give power to
can shape and sculpt our lives.
Blaming is a street not to travel.
Let those who have wronged us go
and let our resentment go too.
Songs of the self pour out of us
when our hearts sing
all is in the way
the notes are brought to life and sound.
Now it is time for living.