All those who have wronged me

All those who have wronged me

or i feel have wronged me

I forgive them all

I release my hold on what they did

or i think they did

for all who I have hurt


made angry

or annoyed

I ask for forgiveness

but will love


if it does not come forth

I release every vestige of bitterness

and try to let go of jealousies

knowing Grace

gives what it gives

it is not mine to own

or is any being mine

but that i might share

i might love

i might touch

and god nows

I can not even hold onto that.

Hope is meaningless here

what remains remains


what falls apart

is a lesson

a seed

for joy and enriches me.

Nothing on this earth is mine


but only for a time

so I will let

go of this feather of existence

Grace is my teacher

and my substance.

All is a gift.

I celebrate being alive.

© Stephen John Kalinich
